To be the biggest and best me!

Love the quote below….AMEN❤

“I survived”. 

That is the text my trainer received from me yesterday, after returning home from a “family reunion” of sorts and one of our best friend’s wedding. 

There was the visit to the brewery on Thursday night, the fajitas, the wedding cake, the wine, the candy, the birthday cake and oh, we can’t forget…. the burgers. 

Yes, I missed it all. 

Or, did I?

I sat with my husband, daughter and her boyfriend while they drank the beer. I had water(warm, actually). I smiled and wildly chewed my gum as they all ate the cheesecake and then I  filled up on another club soda and lemon 🍋…”On the rocks, please”.

Now, I will admit, while boiling my eggs and preparing my shake bottles on Wednesday night, I was nervous. How in the hell am I going to just eat this and drink water while my hilarious, fun, crazy group of friends and family party on?

I won’t have any fun. 

But, you know what? I actually did!!

I danced and had amazing conversations, observed, smiled, felt, enjoyed and made memories. And, woke up the next morning feeling amazing…..unlike a few others 😉. 

I reflected on our drive home yesterday, feeling, at first, a bit resentful. I wondered, did I miss out? I mean, I didn’t have any cake or beer and don’t they say in order to really live, we should eat dessert first?? Haha. Na. Not anymore!

My way of living may be misunderstood by some, but I am growing into it. 

I am sacrificing now, so I don’t end up sacrificing what I truly want in this life. 

It’s a long road, with mental challenges, but I stayed strong and “survived” the situation. And for that, I became stronger. 

You see, we sometimes tend to forget that sometimes the toughest challenges can reward us with the greatest results. 

I guarantee you…I won’t be thinking of that piece of wedding cake I didn’t get to devour when I am where I want my Mind and Body to be. 

I’ll remember the challenge, smile at the success and remember that I sacrificed something small to be the biggest and best ME. 

Have a restful Sunday evening, friends. 

And remember….you’re stronger than you think you are 🎂🍿🍹🍭…. trust me!
Much love,

Linda 💜

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